Why do men often fall asleep after “sex”?

Men often feel sleepy after sexual intercourse more than women do. This is actually a physiological phenomenon in men due to various reasons. 1. Why do men often fall asleep after sex? There are many reasons why men are more likely to fall asleep than their partners. The main reason for this phenomenon is the […]

How to cure snoring?

Occasionally, people snore, and it is usually not a cause for concern. However, snoring at night can interrupt sleep quality, leading to fatigue during the day and increasing health issues. There are many effective solutions that can help both you sleep better, for a quieter, deeper sleep. So how can snoring be completely cured? 1. […]

How to stay alert after a sleepless night?

Everyone needs sufficient sleep to ensure enough energy and alertness for the next day’s activities. But sometimes things happen, and it’s quite possible that everyone has experienced a sleepless night at least once. So, how can one stay alert after a night of sleeplessness? The following information will clarify this concern. 1. Insomnia/sleeplessness Insomnia or […]

Is fatty diarrhea dangerous?

Fatty diarrhea is the condition where stool contains a greasy layer. In healthy individuals, the amount of fat in the stool when excreted is less than 7g per day; if the fat excreted is more than 7g/day, it is diagnosed as fatty stool.   1. Causes of fatty diarrhea The main cause of fatty diarrhea […]