How to wake up naturally and feel refreshed?

When waking up, sometimes there is a feeling of fatigue, so how to wake up feeling more alert and healthier naturally? This can be due to adapting to a new job and sleepless nights or many other reasons. Regardless of age and what we are doing, there will be times when we need a source of energy to help cope with the daily work pressures.

1. The importance of getting enough sleep

Nowadays, as life develops, the demands at work increase. Many people take advantage of their sleep time to complete assigned tasks. They misuse some stimulants like energy drinks or caffeine-containing products to stay alert.
However, using these beverages to fight off drowsiness can trap the body in a vicious cycle. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, leading to insomnia, altering the stages of a normal sleep cycle, and reducing sleep quality.

2. 12 Small Tips to Help You Stay Alert After Waking Up

1. After waking up, let your body move gently by walking around the room or doing a rhythmic exercise. Research by Professor Robert Thayer from the University of California has shown that light movement for about 10 minutes after waking up helps enhance blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain and muscles, making you feel more relaxed and thus improving work performance.
Additionally, Professor Robert also advises people who have to sit in one place for too long to take breaks to stand up and walk around to help clear their minds and feel more refreshed.
2. Napping: Napping is the best way for the body to rest and recharge after a tiring morning of work. Just a 30-minute nap can make your mind clearer and ready for afternoon tasks. Even if you don’t have enough time for a full nap, relaxing your body and resting for about 10 minutes can still bring positive effects. However, one should not nap too much as it may lead to headaches after napping or cause insomnia at night, affecting the next day’s work.
Many companies and enterprises now have built nap rooms for employees. This provides a more comfortable napping experience compared to dozing off at the desk.
3. Rest your eyes: If you often have to work continuously in front of a computer screen, this can cause eye strain and make you feel sleepy. Experts recommend taking a break of about 1-2 minutes during each working session on the computer by looking away to help relax your eyes, or using suitable eye drops to alleviate fatigue.
4. Eat a snack to boost energy: You may not know it, but in the diets of top athletes, food is always divided into several meals throughout the day. This division into multiple meals ensures that their bodies always receive enough energy needed for high-intensity training activities. Snacks can quickly raise blood sugar levels.
Snacks help boost energy
This is very important because when blood sugar is low, the body will feel fatigued, experience neurological weakness, and may even develop some acute mental disorders. Common snacks include:
  • Peanuts, butter, or biscuits
  • Yogurt and some nuts as well as fresh fruit
  • Low-fat cream cheese
5. Participating in a conversation or debate can “wake up your mind,” making it more alert and flexible. However, absolutely avoid doing this before going to bed, as debates can stimulate the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep and causing the body to feel tired upon waking the next day.
6. Turn on bright lights: After waking up, to reduce feelings of fatigue, experts recommend turning on lights or opening windows to let in light. Studies have shown that exposure to bright light can reduce drowsiness and increase alertness.
7. Washing your face with cold water after waking up can quickly make the body alert. The sensory nerve system in the facial skin sends signals to the brain when it comes into contact with cold water, stimulating the brain to process information, thereby making the mind more alert.
8. Frequently changing work positions: In 2004, Finnish researchers conducted a study on night workers or those working continuously for 10-12 hours a day and found that monotonous work with a single posture could cause workers to lack alertness. Therefore, researchers recommend not working in one position for extended periods and incorporating various tasks to avoid boredom.
Bright light helps you stay alert.

9. Deep breathing: Alongside rhythmic exercises every morning after waking up, deep breathing also helps increase oxygen levels in the blood, slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves blood circulation, thereby supporting mood and mental well-being.

The principle of deep breathing exercises is to breathe with the belly rather than the chest. Place one hand on the belly, just below the rib cage, and the other hand on the chest. Take a deep breath so that the belly pushes the hand out, while the chest should not move. Exhale slowly by pushing the air out with the hand placed on the belly.
Another technique often used in yoga exercises to enhance alertness and energy for the body is to inhale and exhale quickly through the nose, aiming for 3 times in 1 second.
10. After waking up each morning, one should step out onto the balcony to breathe fresh air and get sunlight. Sunlight has been shown to have a very good effect on regulating sleep for those suffering from insomnia; furthermore, it also makes the body feel more comfortable in starting a new workday.
11. Drink plenty of water: Dehydration can lead to fatigue. Therefore, drink plenty of water and eat foods high in water content such as fruits and vegetables. Additionally, a glass of water in the early morning after breakfast also makes the body alert and full of energy.
Drinking plenty of water helps the body feel awake and vigorous.

12. Regular exercise: In an analysis involving 70 studies with 6,800 participants, researchers from the University of Georgia found that exercise is effective in increasing energy and reducing daytime fatigue compared to medication for sleep-related issues. Engaging in regular exercise for about 30 minutes each day can improve sleep quality and help the body feel alert naturally after waking up each morning.

For various reasons such as insomnia or sleep disorders, many people often wake up each morning feeling fatigued. This results in a lack of alertness and often leads to difficulty concentrating, affecting work, daily activities, and relationships. Applying some small tips such as doing rhythmic exercise after waking up, washing the face with cold water, or trying to go to bed early can help improve the sense of fatigue upon waking.

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